Character Design

Character Concepts

Character 1:
Premise: What would happen if there was a ninja who went blind and had to adapt to this new way of living and retrain his senses in order to make it as a full ninja? 
Adjective: Self-Aware
Theme: A ninja goes blind and has to adapt and retrain his senses to still make it as a full ninja.
Characterization: Bandages cover the upper half of his face, super human senses, goofy at times, wise, gets serious when it comes to protecting someone or something, quick, slim figure.
Catch-Phrase: Just because I’m blind doesn’t mean I can’t see you.
Character 2:
Premise: What would happen to a kid who grew up to have his family and life taken from him and was adopted by a rich family.
Adjective: Alert
Theme: A kid who is adopted to a rich family and grows up to be a bodyguard to their daughter.
Characterization: Sword master, always on alert, cautious, stern, little emotion, strong, tall, short hair, wears an armored chest plate and gauntlets, carries several sword-like weapons at all times.
Catch-Phrase: I will protect her with my life.
Character 3:
Premise: What would happen if a nerdy high school student suddenly gained the power to hack into any computerized device?
Adjective: Intelligent
Theme: A high school student gains the power to hack and control any computerized device.
Characterization: Nerdy, scrawny, intelligent, computer geek, button up shirt, was timid until gaining powers and then becomes arrogant, needs to touch the devise to activate powers and hack and control device

Catch-Phrase: Unhackable. We’ll see about that.

Character Silhouettes 

Interior Design

I redid some of my silhouettes and interior designs to explore my character a little more

Work In Progress (WIP)

Color Composition

Huhei Kazeshin's Model Sheet

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